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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 262

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 262

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

262 15 febr. 29 febr. 14 maart 26 maart 2 april 10 april 30 mei 12 juni 13 juni 15 sept. 16 sept. 18 sept. 19 sept. 3 okt. 17 okt. 24 okt. 11 nov. 11 dec. 17 dec. 18 dec. 14 jan. 30 jan. 13 febr. 17 febr. 20 febr. 7 mei 28 mei 4 juni 18 juni 9 sept. 15 sept. 16 sept. 22 sept. 3 nov. 3 nov. 30 nov.

promoties psychologie en pedagogiek 2008-2010

Luman, M., ADHD: can reinforcement resolve the problem? Heinsman, H., The Competency Concept Revealed. Its Nature, Relevance, and Practice Fockenberg, D.A., Between Good and Evil: Affective Priming in Dynamic Context Bok, I.A., Kwaliteit van arbeid in de sociale werkvoorziening Onrust, S.A., Intervening after the loss of a spouse: is it (cost-)effective and for whom? Muynck, A. de, Een goddelijk beroep. Spiritualiteit in de beroepspraktijk van leraren in het orthodox-protestantse basisonderwijs Lambregts-Rommelse, N.N.J., Do Endophenotypes Bring Us Closer to Understanding ADHD? Neuropsychological endophenotypes and their molecular genetic underpinnings in ADHD Goedhart, A.D., Ambulatory Recording of Within- and Between-Subject Variation in Autonomic Nervous System Activity Maij-de Meij, A.M., Measurement and Prediction in Heterogeneous Populations Merz, E.M., Caring for your loved ones? An attachment perspective on solidarity between generations Assink, M.H.J., Autobiographical Memory in Longitudinal Perspective. Stability and change of reported life-events over a five-year period Grootheest, D.S. van, Obsession. The genetic and environmental architecture of obsessivecompulsive symptoms Pinto, Y., Guiding attention in a dynamic environment Sterkenburg, P.S., Intervening in Stress, Attachment and Challenging Behaviour. Effects in Children with Multiple Disabilities Dillen, L.F. van, Dealing with negative feelings. The role of working memory in emotion regulation Reinders Folmer, C.P.R., Cooperation and Communication. Plastic Goals and Social Roles Timmermans, M., Antisocial Behaviors: Courses and Consequences from Toddlerhood to Late Adolescence Willemen, A.M., Stress, Parent-Adolescent Interaction, and the Course of Psychopathology Riper, M.M., Curbing Problem Drinking in the Digital Galaxy Leeuwen, M. van, A study of cognition in pre-adolescent twins 2009 Boermans, M.J.G.H., Vroegtijdige gezinsinterventie door de overheid in een liberale staat Pollmann, M.M.H., Accuracy and Bias in Person Perception Moor, M.H.M. de, Exercise behavior and mental health. A genetic perspective Korcok, T.J., Forward to the Past: a Study of the Development of the Liberal Arts in the Context of Confessional Lutheran Education with Special Reference to a Contemporary Application of Liberal Education Hoekstra, C., Genetics of dizygotic twinning Hilte, S.M., Optimizing computer-based spelling exercises Acartürk, Z.C., Epidemiology and Treatment of Social Phobia Peen, J., Mental health and urbanization. An investigation of urban-rural and inner-city differences in psychiatric morbidity Outsem, R.E. van, Exploring Psychological Characteristics of Sexually Abusive Juveniles Tanghe, J.A.L., Affect in Groups: Convergence, Conditions and Consequences Witvliet, M., Children’s Peer Relations and the Development of Psychopathology: A Group-based Approach Distel, M.A., Individual differences in borderline personality traits. A genetic perspective Galen, M.S. van, Children’s learning of arithmetic facts Koelewijn, T., Audiovisual Attention in Space Burg, E. van der, Temporal Multisensory Processing and its Effects on Attention Mulckhuijse, M.G.J., Conscious and Unconscious Processing in Visual Spatial Selection

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22-9-2010 20:37:03

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 262

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's