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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 109

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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 109

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BOS, G. C. VAN D E N Indices of contractility in the intact heart. In: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. London, 65, (1972) blz. 545-547. DIJKEMA, F. K. en G. ELZINGA Integrator for aortic and pulmonary artery flow signals, with automatic zero adjustment and beat-to-beat mean flow computation. In: Cardiovasc. Research, 7 (1973), biz. 572-576. ELZINGA, G. Cross talk between left and right heart: a study on the isolated heart; Diss. V.U. Amsterdam, Papyrus, 1972, 112 blz. ELZINGA, G. en N . WESTERHOF Pressure and flow generated by the left ventricle against different impedances. In: Circulat. Research, 32 (1973), blz. 178-186. G O E D H A R D , W. J. A. en A. A. KNOOP A model of the arterial wall. In: J. Biomechanics, ff (1973), blz. 281-288. G O E D H A R D , W. J. A., A. A. KNOOP en N. WESTERHOF The influence of vascular smooth muscle contraction on elastic properties of pig's aortae. In: Acta Cardiologica, 28 (1973), blz. 415-430.


GRONDELLE, R. VAN, P. SIPKEMA en N. WESTERHOF Effects of heartrate on pressure and flow waveshapes; studies on an electrical model; Progress Report Fysiologisch Laboratorium F U P R E P no. 7301, (1973), 22 blz. KNOOP, A. A. Physiological aspects of circulatory dynamics especially related to ageing as studied by displacement ballistorelated to ageing as studied by displacement ballistocardiography and other cardiovascular methods. In: Bibl. Cardiol., 30 (1973), blz. 87-97. MEER, J. J. VAN DER, A. H. M. JAGENEAU, G. ELZINGA, R. VAN G R O N D E L L E en R. S. R E N E M A N Changes in myocardial wall thickness in open chest dogs. In: Pflügers Arch., 340 (1973), blz. 35-50. SIPKEMA, P. Reflection of pressure and flow waves in arteries; Diss. V.U. Amsterdam, 1973, ia8 blz. SIPKEMA, P. en N . WESTERHOF Comments on the extension of waveshapes; a critical note on the „Quasi-Continuous" Spectrum. In: Pflügers Arch., 340 (1973), blz. 81-84.



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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 109

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's