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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 166

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 166

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Te veel en te weinig pigment; in: Vorderingen in de Dermatologie, Boerhaavecursus, Leiden, (1977), pp. 7-14. Drs. C. Nieboer en Dr. G. L. Kalsbeek Immune complexis in granuloma eosinophilicum fasiei?; in: Microsymposium: immune complexes in vivo. Abstracts, Symposia and Communications of the i8th Dutch Federative Meeting of Medical-Biological Soc. (1977), p. 68. Drs. C. G. Roeleveld en Dr. W. G. van Ketel Positive patch test to the azo-dye tartrazine; in: Contact Dermatitis 2 (1976), p. 180. Drs. Th. M. Starink en Dr. M. J. Woerdeman Focal epithelial hyperplasia of the oral mucosa. Report of two cases from the Netherlands and review of the literature; in: Brit. J. of Dermatology ^6 (1977), pp. 375-380. Drs. Th. M. Starink, Dr. R. Hausman, Drs. L. van Delden en Dr. H. Neering A typical fibroxanthoma of the skin. Presentation of 5 cases and a review of the literature; in: Brit. J. of Dermatology 97 (1977), pp. 167-177. Prof. dr. G. N. Tijtgat, Dr. S. Surachno, Dr. W. P. de Groot en Dr. P. T. Schellekens A case of chronic oropharyngo-esophageal candidiasis with immunological deficiency; successful treatment with miconazole; in: Gastroenterology 72 (1977), pp. 536-540. Dr. J. Vreeswijk, Dr. G. L. Kalsbeek en Dr. W. Leene The formation and excision of tight and gap junctional elements in lesions infected with Molluscum Contagiosum, a possible relation with virus penetration; in: Abstracts, Symposia and Communications of the 17th Dutch Federative Meeting of Medical Biological Soc. (1976), p. 410. Dr. J. Vreeswijk, Dr. W. Leene en Dr. G. L. Kalsbeek Early host cell-Molluscum Contagiosum virus interactions. Viral interactions with the basal epidermal cells; in: J. of Investigative Dermatology 69 (1977), PP- 249-256. Dr. M. J. Woerdeman, Dr. R. Hausman en Drs. L. van Delden Pseudogranuloma pyogenicym; kliniek en histopathologic met electronenmicroscopie; in: Ned. tschr. v. Geneesk. 121 (1977), P- 556.

Vakgroep farmacologie R. K. Dismukes, A. H. Mulder Cyclic A M P and -receptor mediated modulation of noradrenaline release from rat brain sHces; in: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 39 (1976), pp. 383-388. Effects of Neuroleptics on release of H-dopamine from slices of rat corpus striatum; in: Naunyn-Schmiedeb. Arch. Pharmacol. 297 (1977), pp. 23-29-


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 166

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's