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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 218

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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 218

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Drs. B. Oudega, H. Smit, J. W. M. Straathof, Dr. F. K. de Graaf Response of fluorescamine during the interaction of cloacin DF13 with the isolated cytoplasmic membrane of susceptible cells; in: Eur. J. Biochem. 84 (1978), pp. 311-322. Dr. L. H. W. van der Plas Relation of mitochondrial physiology to developmental processes; in: Abstracts Int. Symp. on Plant Mitochondria, Juli 31-Aug. 4, 1978, Marseille. Dr. L. H. W. van der Plas, M. J. Wagner Changing of respiratory characteristics of potato tuber mitochondria with callus and periderm induction; in: Proceedings International Symposium on Plant Mitochondria, Marseille, G. Ducet and C. Lane eds., Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, p. 8. Drs. H. van de Pol, Dr. E. Veltkamp, Prof. dr. H. J. J. Nijkamp Genetic analysis of the mobilisation of the non-conjugative plasmid Clo D F 1 3 ; Lunteren Lectures on Molecular Genetics (1977), pp. 16-17. Genetic analysis of the mobilization of the non-conjugative plasmid Clo D F 1 3 ; (1978), Mol.gen. Genet. 160, pp. 139-149. Drs. H. van de Pol, Dr. E. Veltkamp, Drs. A. R. Stuitje, Prof. dr. H. J. J. Nijkamp Functional aspects of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo D F 1 3 ; XII International Congress of Microbiology, Munchen (1978). Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthamer Electron transport linked phosphorylation in anaerobes; Abstr. XII Intern. Congr. Microbiol. 1978, p. n . Theoretical calculations on the influence of the inorganic nitrogen source on parameters for aerobic growth of micro-organisms; in: Ant. van Leeuwenhoek 43 (1977), pp. 351-367. Drs. A. R. Stuitje, Dr. E. Veltkamp, Drs. P. J. M. van den Elzen, Prof. dr. H. J. J. Nijkamp In vitro construction of deletion mutants of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo D F 1 3 ; (1978), Nucleic Acid Research 5, pp. 1801-1821. Dr. H. H. van der Velde, A. M. Hemrika-Wagner The detection of phytochrome in the red alga Acrochaetium daviesii; in: Plant Science Letters 11 (1978), pp. 14J-149. Dr. E. Veltkamp, Dr. P. M. Andreoli, Drs. J. D. A. van Embden, Prof. dr. H. J. J. Nijkamp The transposon Tnsoi ^^ ^ probe for studying the genetic organization of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo DF13. In: Microbiology 1978, American Society for Microbiology (1978), pp. 156-160. 216

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 218

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's