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Jaarboek 1988-1989 - pagina 170

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Jaarboek 1988-1989 - pagina 170

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

06-01-1989 W.T.M. Verkley (cum laude)

On the atmospheric blocking and the theory of modons

09-03-1989 R.J. Haarsma

Instability mechanisms in a barotropic atmosphere

20-04-1989 A.H. Damman

Skarn and ore formation in the Gasborn area, West Bergslagen, central Sweden

23-05-1989 K.N.L.C. Kleverlaan

Tabernas fan complex. A study of a tortonian submarine fan complex in a neogene basin, tabernas, province of Almeria, S.e. Spain

BIOLOGIE 19-09-1988 R.E. Koes

Genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis in Petunia Hybrida: the chalcone synthase multigene family

06-10-1988 F.A. de Wolf

Photosynthetic energy conservation in photosystem I-enriched subchloroplas vesicles

10-10-1988 M.Q. J.M. van Grinsven

Regulation of plastid gene expression during chloroplast biogenesis in Petunia Hybrida

12-12-1988 K. Stoker

Genes involved in the regulation of hydrogen metabolism in Escherichia coli K-12

12-04-1989 mw. G. Bosma

Growth-condition-dependent synthesis of electron transfer components in Paracoccus denitrificans

21-06-1989 J. van der Oost

The hydrogen metabolism of the unicellular cyanobacterium Cyanothece PCC 7822

27-06-1989 mw. A. Marissen

Mitochondrial respiration in relation to flower induction in iris bulbs


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1988

Jaarboeken | 178 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1988-1989 - pagina 170

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1988

Jaarboeken | 178 Pagina's