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Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 154

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Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 154

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

10-05-90 mw. Nederbragt, A.J.

Biostratigraphy and paleoceanographic potential of the cretaceous planktic foraminifera heterohelicidae

07-06-90 Huissteden van, J.

Tundra rivers of the last glacial: sedimentation and geomorphological processes during the middle pleniglacial in Twente, eastern Netherlands


07-09-89 Haas de, J.M.

Isolation and in vitro characterization of Petunia hybrida chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA replication origins


09-89 mw. Ykema, A.

Lipid production in the oleaginous yeast Apiotrichum curvatum. Improvement of yield and quality


09-89 Gude, H.

The regulation of respiration and growth of potato tuber explants by plant hormones


09-89 Krol van der, A.R.

The flavonoid metabolic pathway in plants: modulation of flavoid gene expression by antisense and sense technologies

20-09-89 Brussaard, A.B.

Peptide regulation of excitability in molluscan peptidergic neurons


Dopaminergic neurotransmission in the cen­ tral nervous system of Lymnaea stagnalis

10-89 Werkman, T.R.

19-10-89 Luirink, S.

Structure and function of the pCloDF13 encoded bacteriocin release protein


On the ecology of savanna ecosystems in South-Eastern Botswana

12-89 Tolsma, D.J.

13-03-90 Ploeg van der, S.W.F.


Outdoor recreation and the multiple use ma­ nagement of natural resources

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1989

Jaarboeken | 161 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 154

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1989

Jaarboeken | 161 Pagina's