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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 249

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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 249

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Datum Promovendus Promotor Titel proefschrift

02-11-1989 F.H. Kloosterman Engelen Groundwater flow systems In

the northern coastal lowlands

of West- and Central Java,


07-11-1989 LJ. van Marie Van Hinte Benthic foraminifera from the

Banda Arc region, Indonesia,

and their paleobathymetnc sig-

nificance for geologic interpre-

tations of the Late Cenozoic

sedimentary record.

20-11-1989 S.R. Troelstra Van Hinte Studies in Late Cenozoic extant

and extinct foraminifera.

21-12-1989 M. Ploegsma Touret Shear zones in the west

Uusimaa area, SW Finland.

01-03-1990 J. Sopaheluwakan Touret Ophiolite obduction in the

mutis complex, Timor, eastern

Indonesia An example of inver-

ted, isobaric, medium-high

pressure metamorphism.

Regionalisation of hydrological

10-05-1990 M.R. Hendriks Simmers

data. Effects of lithology and

land use on storm runoff in

east Luxembourg.

Biostratigraphy and paleocea-

10-05 1990 AJ Nederbragt Van Hinte

nographic potential of the

Cretaceous planktic

Foraminifera Heterohelicidae.

Tundra rivers of the last glacial

07-06-1990 J. van Hulssteden Vandenberghe,

sedimentation and geomorpho-

Van der Hammen

logical processes during the

middle pleniglacial in Twente,

eastern Netherlands.

Remote sensing and runoff

27-09-1990 A Allewijn Engelen

modelling in Alpine areas.

A landsat-supported conceptual

semi-distnbuted rainfall-runoff

model, applied to the N-ltalian


The Abaran basin-a Neogene

11-10-1990 H C. van der Straaten Schlager

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Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's

Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 249

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's