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Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 49

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Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 49

Feiten en gebeurtenissen 1950-2005

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Lijst van promoties

R. Buschman 9-6-1995 Force, movement and energetics of single muscle fibres.

E.J. Potma 8-9-1 995 Energy turnover and crossbridge kinetics in skeletal muscle


IVI.H.M. Thelen 22-3-1996 Thyroid hormone and contractile activity as counteracting

regulators of the expression of fast-type sarcoplasmic reti-

culum Ca-^^-ATPase in skeletal muscle cells.

J.R Ebus 5-6-1996 ATP turnover in rat cardiac musclee under normal and is-

chemic conditions.

IV1.A. Vis 4-9-1996 Modeling the effect of cardiac contraction on coronary

blood vessels.

mw I.J.M. Hendriksen 25-1 0-1 996 The effect of commuter cycling on physical performance

and on coronary heart disease risk factors.

mw A.E.J. Heemskerk 28-2-1997 Renal function during septic shock in rats.

H.A.M. Daanen 17-9-1997 Central and peripheral control of finger blood flow in the


mw IVI.A. Dijkman 11-3-1998 Coronary perfusion influences cardiac muscle function; the

Gregg phenomenon.

m w j . van der Velden 13-3-1998 Correlation between contractile protein composition and

energetic and mechanical properties of the heart.

N.Th.R Bakker 9-6-1998 Regulation of vascular tone by endothelial factors in isolat-

jed rat skeleral muscle arterioles.

mw A.L. des Tombe 29-10-1999 The transition of hypertrophy of the heart to heart failure.

B. de Groot 8-12-1999 The role of mitochondria and intracellular energy transfer

in the pathogenesis of heart failure.

j.RVersluls 10-5-2000 Contractility and perfusion of papillary muscles in mono-

crotaline-induced hypertrophy.

H.A. Plepot 26-5-2000 Endotoxin and regional vascular reactivity.

C.J.M. Kerkhof 29-9-2000 Vasoactive effects of hypoxia on coronary and skeletal

muscle resistance arteries.

Regulation of the human endothelial barrier function. A

CR van Nieuw Amerongen 2-11-2000

study on the mechanisms and modulation of prolonged en-

dothelial hyperpermeability.

Pulmonary artery function and endotoxin; the dual role of

m w C . Boer 18-6-2001

nitric oxide.

-^^ -;

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 2007

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 52 Pagina's

Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 49

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 2007

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 52 Pagina's