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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 20

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 20

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Paidheism^s Destruction of Bouncliiries. the one i;reat tan<;lc of the absolute Ego."

able laws of thought, stood in the licnce, violence

This was not

Tlie very majesty of logic, with

clone all at once.


had to be done to the



of this amalgamation; logical l)oundaries

the unhappy process began, tity

system would not do for

llegcl clearly saw that his iden-


not shrink from attacking logic the principium, exclusi




and therefore did by cutting the sinews of Thus only did he clear logic,

the course for his cavalcade of identical ideas.





before the other boundaries could successfully be blurred.


then he

before his thinking spirit two by two and arm




the something with the nothing, the here with the 3'onder,

the finite with the infinite, the ideal with the

with the thinking,



the being

object with the subject, the different

with the nondifferent, liberty with necessity, the imaginary light with the imaginary darkness.


of course he did not stop short with abstractions.

object and that of

all his


followers was the application to life of

Then it became a serious matter. For the boundary between God and the world also fell awa}', which boundary, according to the formula of old Hellas, may possibly the identity idea.

refer to a distinction in thought, but never to a distinction in time or in essence. According to Dr. Mayer's formula, God was " reduced to a world-power," and, worse still, his conscious life dissolved in our human life. In this wise the boundary between God and man was taken away, with the preponderance

on the human side. The boundary bctw'een man and man must needs follow. We rise as ocean waves and disappear among its waters. AVe bud as leaves on the tree, that in withering wo may give place to the new leaf in spring, which interprets Homer's line, "The wind poui-s the leaves to the ground," essentially, and not chronologically. The spiritual boundaries came next. Between our physical and psychical life also every boundary had to fall away. Truth was given in marriage to error. Hirner even boasted of the '' Heroism of the Lie." Good and evil, also, and sin and holi" Each one ness, were to reconcile their hatred. What is good ? is only what he can be." Nei-o and Jesus are merely dilfercnt manifestations of one and" the same divine impulsive power. The ancient Parsces were no fools when, next to Ormuzd, they

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 20

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's