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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 188

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 188

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

promoties wiskunde- en naturwetenschappen 1989-1991

188 23 maart 18 april 20 april 11 mei 6 juni 12 juni 13 juni 15 juni 16 juni 5 okt. 17 okt. 17 okt. 25 okt. 2 nov. 8 nov. 16 nov. 17 nov. 21 nov. 23 nov. 4 dec. 11 dec. 18 dec. 19 dec. 21 dec. 18 jan. 24 jan. 25 jan. 14 maart 22 maart 29 maart 30 maart 24 april 26 april 3 mei 3 mei

Vos, M., Synthesis, structure and properties of intra-molecularly coordinated alkyllithium Keuken, M.P., The determination of acid-deposition-related compounds in the lower atmosphere Salomons, E.M., Hydrogen in palladium alloys: experiments, models and simulations Kok, J.N., Semantic models for parallel computation in data flow, logic- and object-oriented programming Laat, J.A.P.M. de, The perception of fluctuating sounds by hearing-impaired listeners Stammes, P., Light Scattering Properties of Aerosols and the Radiation Inside a Planetary Atmosphere Woerdeman, H.J., Matrix and operator extensions Ommeren, J.C.W. van, Asymptotic analysis of queueing systems Irth, H., Ligand exchange principles for trace enrichment and detection in liquid chromatography Stamhuis, I.H., Cijfers en Aequatries en Kennis der Staatskrachten Bal, H.E., The shared dataobject model as a paradigm for programming distributed systems Renesse, R. van, The functional processing model Eikema Hommes, N.J.R. van, 1,2-Dilithioethaan en derivaten van dilithiomethaan Ruiter, C. de, Pre ane postcolomn fluorescence derivatization in HPLC (Ironpair extraction, phasetransfer catalysis and photochemistry) Ent, R., Investigation of correlations in nuclei with the (e,e’X) reaction Bente, E.A.J.M., Autoionising series of barium Zwart, M.A.H. de, Synthesis and Copper-Dependent Antimycoplasmal Activity of 3-(2-Pyridyl)isoquinoline and 1,10-Phenanthroline Derivates Tebra, J.R.B., Optimistic andparallelism in prolog Hogenbirk, A., The structure of 36s and 198, 200, 202, 204 Hg stidied by means of the (p,p’) reaction Kuil, M.E., Dynamical and structural aspects of DNA-protein interactions. A study with optical spectroscopic techniques Weigand, H., Linguistically motivated principles of knowledge base systems Dignum, F.P.M., A language for modelling knowledge bases. Based on linguistics, founded in logic Herruer, M.H., Regulation of ribosomal protein gene expression in yeast Haenen, G.R.M.M., Thiols in oxidative stress some implications for catecholamine toxicity 1990 Does, Th. van der, An investigation on the properties of phosphaalkenes and analogous imines Zalmstra, J.J.A., Coupled-channels analysis of inelastic proton scattering off 28SI Hoving, S.J., W(k) [F,V]Modules and Zeta functions of several types of curves Veltkamp, A.C., Optimization of flowthrough radioactivity detection in highperformance liquid chromatography Musters, W., Mutational analysis of yeast ribosomal DNA Aerts, M.M.L., Residues of vetinary drugs in edible products Markies, P.R., Coordination modes of organomagnesium compounds: synthesis, structures and reactions Santos Lopes, M.T., A novel ribosomal DNA vector for high expression of heterologous genes in yeast Linssen, M.J.H., Animal models for the selection of antiinflammatory compounds for the treatment of bronchial hyperreactivity in asthma Huizing, A.J., B-Splines and Faddeev equations. An application to . d scattering Klaver, C.J., The in vitro activity of (a new class of) branched chain amino acid biosynthesis inhibitors

04 Promoties 07 WenN.indd 188

26-8-2010 20:54:29

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 188

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's