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Jaarboek 1988-1989 - pagina 169

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Jaarboek 1988-1989 - pagina 169

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

09-02-1989 P.J. van den Hoek

Orbital Interactions at Surfaces and Interfaces

23-02-1989 G.B.M. Kostermans

Synthesis and properties of very small [n] cyclophanes

23-03-1989 M. Vos

Synthesis, structure and properties of intramolecularly coordinated alkyllithium

18-04-1989 M.P. Keuken

The determination of acid-depositionrelated compounds in the lower atmosphere

16-06-1989 H. Irth

Ligand exchange principles for trace enrichment and detection in liquid chromatography

AARDWETENSCHAPPEN 29-09-1988 J.C.G. Schwan

Sedimentology of coversands in Northwestern Europe: A study on weichselian to early holocene aeolian sand sheets in England, the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany

24-10-1988 C. Kasse

Early-pleistocene tidal and fluviatile environments in the Southern Netherlands and Northern Belgium

28-11-1988 P.G. Duynkerke

Stratocumulus modeling

29-11-1988 G.J.A. Brummer (cum laude)

Planktonic foraminifers as tracers of oceanclimate history: Ontogeny, relationship and preservation of modern species

29-11-1988 D. Kroon

Planktonic foraminifers as tracers of oceanclimate history: Stable-isotopes, phenotypes and asssemblage distribution in different water masses


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1988

Jaarboeken | 178 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1988-1989 - pagina 169

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1988

Jaarboeken | 178 Pagina's