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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 255

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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 255

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Datum Promovendus Promotor Titel proefschrift

05-10-1995 S W M Peters De Vries Energy- and water balance

modelling of a semi-arid area

using remote sensing.

12-10-1995 RT van Balen Cloetingh Tectonic control on the hydro-

dynamics and sedimentary

record of extensional basins.

Inferences from numerical

modelling and analyses of the

Pannonian Basin.

21-11-1995 MHEJRohrman Cloetingh, Touret Thermal evolution of the

Fennoscandian Region from fis-

sion track thermochronology

(an integrated approach).

28-11-1995 RH M Reemst Cloetingh Tectonic modellings of rifted

continental margins. Basin evo-

lution and tectono-magmatic

development of the Norwegian

and NW Australian margin.

29-01-1996 A. Hooijer Simmers Floodplain hydrology An ecolo- 253

gically oriented study of the

Shannon Callows, Ireland

22-02-1996 W van der Werff Van Hinte Forearc development and early

orogenesis along the Eastern

Sunda/Western Banda arc


04-04-1996 M.E.Janssen Cloetingh Intraplate deformation in Afrika

as a consequence of plate

boundary changes.

14-05-1996 S. van Kreveld-AlfaneVan Hinte Late Quaternary sediment

records of mid-latitude North-

east Atlantic calcium carbonate

production and dissolution.

17-09-1996 Z. Duan De Vries Optimization modelling of a

river-aquifer system with tech-

nical interventions. A case

study for the Huangshui river

and the coastal aquifer,

Shandong, China.

25-11-1996 G Spadini Cloetingh Lithospenc deformation and

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's

Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 255

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's