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1.116 resultaten
van 112
To be near unto God - pagina 380

To be near unto God - pagina 380

the Lord, to set him always before you, and to your eyes ever upon him, is simply impossible, because from the nature of the case, human life, surroundings, business cares and daily duties forbid it. For in this sense both David and Paul knew well that life is not ceaseless devotion and the world ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
309 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 382

To be near unto God - pagina 382

But gradually there comes a disclosing- We begin to live a little more with and in our own heart. And when we enter our heart sufficiently deeply, we find there God, the Holy Ghost, who has compassion on us. This of itself brings us to a life of two phases; one outward and the other inward. But t ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
300 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 383

To be near unto God - pagina 383

than when again and again it throws distractive discord into the harmonj' of the Psalm of hfe. And to break with sin, and to lose self again in worship and blessed fellowship becomes of itself the rising impulse of the heart. 71"THY OVERSIGHT HATH PRESERVEDMYSPIRIT." is that ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
260 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 385

To be near unto God - pagina 385

ously wrought, and in addition to this the ego And in Job 10:9-12: that was made in secret. ''Thou hast made me as the clay; Thou hast poured me out as milk, and curdled me Uke Thou hast clothed me with skin and cheese. flesh, and hast fenced (crocheted) me with bones and sinews," and over and ab ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
297 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 384

To be near unto God - pagina 384

Mymysoul after thee, God. soul thirsteth for God, for the living God" (Psalm 42). In verse 4: "I remember these things and pour out soul in me." Again: "Why art thou cast soul, and why art thou disquieted down, O within me." The Scripture makes no distinctionso panteth ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
280 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 387

To be near unto God - pagina 387

our moral existence as man is constantly under the supervision of this selfsame God, who judges us at the bar of our own conscience, as often as we go contrary to his holy will. And from these two there arises graduallj^ the still higher sense, that "God's oversight of our spirit" bears not only ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
302 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 386

To be near unto God - pagina 386

the calm and blessed feeling of assurance takes hold of us, that bj^ day and by night, in ordinary and in extraordinary circumstances we are watched over, cared for and looked after by God. We also come to discover that the inner life of our soul is in God's hand. That he has charge of it That hi ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
316 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 388

To be near unto God - pagina 388

isunder his holy supervision.Herevives in uswhat is ready to languish. He bends straight in us what threatens to become crooked. And as a mother cares for her babe in outward things, so does our faithful Father provide against every difficulty and every need of our sou ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
289 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 389

To be near unto God - pagina 389

72'EVERY ONE WHICH SEETH THE SON." The one thing of all others among men is to The Scripture announces in believe on Christ. every way that God has given his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. To this is added with equal emphasi ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
286 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 390

To be near unto God - pagina 390

limited time and in a given measure. Sympathy, inclination, preference, affection, all blossom with silvery blossoms, but never dominate all of life, do not change the ground of existence, and have no all-deciding and ever-abiding results. Faith in the Son of God stands far above eveiything else ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
292 woorden
van 112