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1.116 resultaten
van 112
To be near unto God - pagina 230

To be near unto God - pagina 230

tomanismadeas created after God's Image, and finally perfect in Christ, in so much as He is the express Image of God's Person. And these three do not stand loosely side by side, butform,ifwe may sayso,a climbing pyramid. surface, it a ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
265 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 229

To be near unto God - pagina 229

from nature, not that we might interpret it in a material sense, but rather that we might weave into our spiritual life. In this respect also the erring soul frequently impoverishes itself. It has been learned by heart, and in general it is agreed, that Divine attributes exhibit themselves in the ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
297 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 232

To be near unto God - pagina 232

vegetable and animal-world, in the splendor of the sea, in the roar of the hurricane, sometimes even in the rolling of his thunder. In all this, is, and lives, the God Whom we worship. In the throbbings of the life of nature throbs his ownDivine life. Whatever moves in creation, flows thro ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
310 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 234

To be near unto God - pagina 234

how God as his good shepherd goes before him in the waj', hears the sound of God's rod and staff on the ground, and is comforted thereby. All this is not for the sake of giving us a poetic, vivid view of nature. Heathen poets have done this. In nature also everything is for the sake of religion, ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
279 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 231

To be near unto God - pagina 231

is not invisible, and we are definitely told that once we shall see God face to shall know him, even as we are known. face. Intellectual knowledge, and even spiritual know-Eternal BeingWeledge clear,isnot the highest.immediatesight.The ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
304 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 233

To be near unto God - pagina 233

very life of God, and clearly sees in it all, the Divinity of Omnipotence, understands the glory of the Invisible.''ANDGod veilofisTHE SECOND UNTO IT."invisible.nature.HeISLIKEhides himself behind theBut the ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
244 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 235

To be near unto God - pagina 235

wisdom has been christened with the nameinvolution and new evangel.Darwmisof called the prophet of thisThis whole system is nothing more than miatuation of unbelieving thought. Butself-there that the whole creation seems to have been built up as a ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
266 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 236

To be near unto God - pagina 236

He comes a second time and shows his image in man, the portrait of himself. Not in one individual. This is impossible. But in man, as in the course of centuries, he was bqrn, has lived and has died by the millions. Among these millions there was the hyssop and the cedar. In these occasional insta ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
285 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 237

To be near unto God - pagina 237

humannature,andmagnilicent revelareconciles us again is the picture gallery of history', of the heroes in common life and of the heroes of faith, as the Apostle declares: (Heb. 12) "we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses," wherefore we should lay aside ever ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
296 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 238

To be near unto God - pagina 238

created after the purifies this love. the love for God.Image of God. But the Spirit Love for man must be hke There must be no diĀ£ferencebetween these two, or else the love for man will detract from the love for God in the heart. Thus it becomes more and more a process of distinction ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
262 woorden
van 112