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1.116 resultaten
van 112
To be near unto God - pagina 310

To be near unto God - pagina 310

to the creation of our own nature, and to the creation of our own person. And this is the result. Thanks to our reconciliation in Christ the voice of God in nature and the voice of God in our conscience obtain a different sound. They increase in clearness and in significance. And by the opened ea ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
258 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 308

To be near unto God - pagina 308

imparts unto us the riches of his reconciliation, when he seeks us out as sinners, and makes us children of God. Only when Christ has made us children of God, does the knowledge of the Father become our blessed and glorious possession. But again, Christ does not come to us for the first time in t ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
289 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 309

To be near unto God - pagina 309

wiiich the knowledge comes to us from the The knowledge of the Father is not a flower, that has been wafted down from the heavenly regions, and has been tied by Christ to the withered stem of human natureknowledgeofthe Father Eternal Word. ofGod, isonbuil ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
279 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 312

To be near unto God - pagina 312

are never separated from God. We can Qot be anywhere and God not be near. He besets us behind and before. Whither shall we go from his Spirit, whither shall we flee from his presence. We can not escape the presence of God. "If I make my bed in hell," sings David, Ps. 139. ''behold Thou art there. ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
299 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 311

To be near unto God - pagina 311

we crave personal of soulHuman nature consists only fully satisfied whenpresence.and body, andisfellowship of soul with soul is accompanied by physical presence. In the realm of glory, communion with God's saints will only be made perfect by the sight of one ano ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
282 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 314

To be near unto God - pagina 314

For though, provided applied with utmost care, such losing of oneself in spiritual vision of the Infinite, as result of private prayer, can have a value of its own. It is not what continually being ''near unto God" implies. It can not mean this because in holy, mj'stical meditation the other oper ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
298 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 315

To be near unto God - pagina 315

into every interest of life, so we should allow the thought of God, the lifting up of the soul to God, the faith on, and the love for, God unceaThis singly to operate in and with everything. prevents estrangement, and straying away, and accustoms the soul to be continually "near unto God." This i ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
262 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 317

To be near unto God - pagina 317

soul in truth the call of confidence goes forth: "I hide me Loid. with thee." (Ps. 143:9 marg. reading). Hiding with God is not dwelling in his tent, or knowing the secret grace of the hidden walk. Hiding never indicates a fixed condition, but always something transient. seek shelter from a thund ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
274 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 316

To be near unto God - pagina 316

the waters in the flood of destruction that came rise, without waiting for an answer to their cry, they should have sought refuge with God. The people did not do this. They trusted in their own strength and underestimated the danger. And then instead of the people calling upon God, God called upo ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
299 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 318

To be near unto God - pagina 318

connected with the hour of teiTor;when the water has risen to the hps, when dark dread has suddenly overtaken the soul, when there is no way of escape, when dark night settles onwhen faith no longer trusts itself. there is an heroic taking hold of self, and as in the moment of danger the c ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
315 woorden
van 112