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1.116 resultaten
van 112
To be near unto God - pagina 49

To be near unto God - pagina 49

Along the pathwaj' of life, which is sometimes rough and thorny, he knows what it is to "Walk with God." Blessed experience has taught liim thatinthissecretfellowshipcommunionismutual, so that he seeks his Father, but also that the Father gives him ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
272 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 51

To be near unto God - pagina 51

communion. A headache may depress us and prevent the mind from free utterance, or lessen our sensitiveness. This also may act as a spur to give the body rest and calm in behalf of fellowship with God. At times, hovv'ever, the failure of obtaining a Divine hearing can not be explained from one cau ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
281 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 50

To be near unto God - pagina 50

man can understand our telegraphic communication, so little can the man of the world imderstand the mystical fellowship of the earnest believer on God with the Heavenly Father, who is both far off and close by. And the believer on God understands how this fellowship can be interrupted, and even e ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
285 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 53

To be near unto God - pagina 53

God includes a spiritual reality which far exceeds mere intellectual acumen, and which merely employs the abstractions of dogma and doctrine as means by which to clarify impressions that are received and to explain sensations of soul and inner experiences. And this has gradually been forgotten. K ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
277 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 54

To be near unto God - pagina 54

Thereis language in nature and in the animal But human language is altogether different and far richer, even though no word is countenance facial expression,speaks; it speaks through the but particularly through and byThrough the eye, as a windo ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
282 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 52

To be near unto God - pagina 52

cametoknowand there;"nwself,"or, ''Iwas converted then"Then andthere I gave myself to Christ;" "In this wa}' or in that I found my Savior." And in whatever way it was expressed, it always meant the narrative of personal religious experience. ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
273 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 55

To be near unto God - pagina 55

This can not be taken in a material sense. Temptation leads to this and the Divine Father has been pictured in the form of an old man. Even Moses went astray in this direction when he prayed for a sight of God's face. It was a bold prayer. It brought this answer: "Thou canst not see my face, for ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
301 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 56

To be near unto God - pagina 56

;established between the Living God and our soul. Scripture expresses this mystical knowledge of God in various ways. It speaks of the ''secret walk with God," of ''dwelling in the House of the Lord," of "walking with God." And the Gospel develops this into the rich and glorious thought th ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
282 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 58

To be near unto God - pagina 58

Solitude, moreover, It lures therun-downisloved bymenof study.aged more than people of midlife.Inweakened nerves, people shrink from excitement. But this springs from accidental causes and is no index of charastate of health, with ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
288 woorden
To be near unto God - pagina 57

To be near unto God - pagina 57

the case of the httle child, who, on being left alone, first becomes frightened and then begins to cry. If less striking, with adults as a rule, courting solitude or shunning it is marked with sufficient clearness to suggest something of their character. Some embrace every opportunity to escape f ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
276 woorden
van 112