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1.046 resultaten
van 105
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 216

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 216

Bultmann in his famous essay on „Das Problem der Entmythologi-sierung der neutestamentlichen Verkündigung", published originallyin 1941, appeals to the eschatological message of the New Testamentin support of his case for regarding the New Testament world-viewand procl ...

386 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 217

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 217

urged. Moreover, the secularization of modern life and thoughtwiUy nilly makes its impact upon us. And, finally, the extremeand even fanatical character of much futurist eschatology, withits tendency toward world-flight, understandably has often led,by way of reaction, ...

384 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 218

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 218

of other terms. The full scope of history and the consummationis comprehended under „this age" and „the age to come" (cf.Mt. 12: 32; Eph. 1: 21). The resurrection of believers is the greatevent in which redemptive history reaches its climax and turning­point; the resur ...

377 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 219

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 219

the kingdom of God, though a future reality, has already come(cf. e.g. Mt. 12: 28; Col. 1: 13; Rev. 1: 6, 9). The resurrection ofChrist already affords believers participation in its life and power(Eph. 2: 5, 6). The one who is in Christ has become a new creation(II Co ...

378 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 22

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 22

vreemde dieren op de dakeneen zonnetje op de rameneen witgewassen lakeneen mooie vreemde dame ...

14 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 220

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 220

providence in Biblical terms or in Biblical perspective.Secondly, when the gospel is considered in its eschatologicalorientation, one is afforded a vantage point from which one maygrasp with clarity and force the Biblical teaching that the workof salvation is ultimatel ...

405 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 221

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 221

Hence even the idea of community does not exhaust the scopeof the transforming work. Nothing short of the cosmos is theobject of redemption; nothing less than the new heavens and thenew earth wiU bring to reality the divine goal. The glorious libertyof the children of ...

422 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 222

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 222

eschatology is not an expendable feature of the gospel of JesusChrist. On the contrary, it belongs to its very essence. And theeschatological perspective serves to heighten one's perception ofvarious facets of the gospel. At least some of these facets, as itturns out, ...

90 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 223

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 223

Zomaar een stad (misschien v^^el in mexico)Een mexicaanse morgen vliegt opals een verschrikte vogel uit het rieteen mexicaan draait dol om zijn asop de maat van ochtendmuziek.Lavi'aaierig blaffen de tuba'sin een café op de hoek van de straat ...

94 woorden
Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 224

Studentenalmanak 1960 - pagina 224

ti Regenhoes voor het h4ationaal Monument op de Dam. Reeds vorig jaar vj/erd op de begroting v. d. gemeente Amsterdam een bedrag van f 3500,— geplaa ...

75 woorden
van 105