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279 resultaten
van 28
Calvinism - pagina 151

Calvinism - pagina 151

;CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.EvenI47minutest microscopic, the farthest reachingtheinvestigationtelescopicstrengthenednothing but perception withisThiseyes.transformed into science,iswhen you discove ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
206 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 152

Calvinism - pagina 152

CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.148the entire cosmos,by means of God's fore-ordination? If youour Calvinistic belief inwantunderstandtosecuredeffectuallyisyouthishave to go back from Thispredestination to God' ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
182 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 153

Calvinism - pagina 153

CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.149you recognize that the cosmos, instead of being a heap of stones, loosely thrown together, on the contrary presentsour mind a monumental building erectedtopointofwhat -everyyourthenview,to ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
180 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 154

Calvinism - pagina 154

CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.150 inproving the firm order of thingsastonishing,andthemselvesonCalvinisticentire school of criminalists, placehisrecordrespectthisinAndlines.withlife ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
160 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 155

Calvinism - pagina 155

,CALVINISM AND SCIENCE. theforming together onelaws,spiritual151highorder,which exists according to God's command, and wherein God's counselwillbe accomplishedin theconsummationof His eternal, all-embracing ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
182 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 156

Calvinism - pagina 156

CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.152and showing us instead ofopinions,themists,manyhas gone throughfierce strugglesitseemedtoCalvinismit.on account ofclinging to the counsel of God's decree.again ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
190 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 157

Calvinism - pagina 157

CALVINISM AND SCIENCE. astamp onscientificconnected with thiswhole existence.theirandthisinentrusted to53Intimately-also the fact that they never fav-isoured the so-called primacy of the in their pra ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
178 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 158

Calvinism - pagina 158

;CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.154and whoflattered himself in hero-worship,manhonouras aatsank lower than the brutesitlastveneration of prostitutes, andin thedo notIthe heavenly lustre which sp ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
177 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 159

Calvinism - pagina 159

CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.I55wherever two elements appear, ascourse,this caseinthe sinner and the saint, the temporal and the eternal, theandterrestrialheavenlythetherelife,isalwaysdanger of losin ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
194 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 160

Calvinism - pagina 160

CALVINISM AND SCIENCE.156Christ himself docs nottheir original head.Christasspeakonlyof the regenerationof the earth, but alsoof a regeneration of the cosmos (Matth. 19:28). declares"The whole:bursting ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
206 woorden
van 28