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279 resultaten
van 28
Calvinism - pagina 201

Calvinism - pagina 201

CALVINISM AND ART. abandoneditof worship,demand of art, to embody monuments of splendor.refused,theatspirit inTheformsymbolicalthe1objection97andreligiousitssuch a symboli ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
135 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 202

Calvinism - pagina 202

;CALVINISM AND ART.198 sensualbythoughhighest expression, finally helpsitsmeansthese veryfor isreligionto cast off the fetters of sensualitymust be granted thatitat a lower levelonly the aesth ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
167 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 203

Calvinism - pagina 203

CALVINISM AND ART.199when, having reached the years of maturity, they stand beforeyou,man and woman, youaswith forms, andand modes of expression, pecu-traits,Andharly their own.them bothseearrived at ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
198 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 204

Calvinism - pagina 204

:CALVINISM AND ART.200 old age,whoThe mana painful, retrograde movement.isGod, and whosefearsremain clear andfacultiesunimpaired, does not on the brink of age return to the playthings of his infancy.One more ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
185 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 205

Calvinism - pagina 205

CALVINISM AND ART. bein a different sense,beconfessed,buttheinthatcirclesRenaissancewillof the Renaissance also did not takeitof201andcivilitsbe considered morehere ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
179 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 206

Calvinism - pagina 206

CALVINISM AND ART.202which seeks to revealArtramification.fourfoldthe outer world in thisitself toalsono side-shoot on aisprincipal branch, but an independent branch thatfrom the trunk of ourmore nearly ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
170 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 207

Calvinism - pagina 207

CALVINISM AND ART.203but a most serious power in our present existence, and therefore artisticmust maintain,principal variationsitsexpression,arelation with the principalclosevariations of our entirelife;and ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
174 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 208

Calvinism - pagina 208

CALVINISM AND ART.204proof of Calvinism's auspicesofpoverty.artisticOnly under thereligious principle could Calvinismitscreated a general art-style, and just becauseamuchsoveryforbadeprinciple ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
165 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 209

Calvinism - pagina 209

CALVINISM AND ART.205which laughs at the whispering of conscience, mustartendintheGreeksforinstance,an unlovely discord quite exaltedtheirindifferentThekalokagathos.Calvinism arrayed ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
176 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 210

Calvinism - pagina 210

CALVINISM AND ART.206measures, by which, as he writes, to restoreinstitutedmanfooHshthistoThesounder sense and reason.bhnd prejudice against Sculpture, on the ground of the Second Commandment, Calvin declares unworthy of ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
209 woorden
van 28