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279 resultaten
van 28
Calvinism - pagina 241

Calvinism - pagina 241

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE. whichbeginning of our era, and again at thetheat237time of the Reformation, has saved the threatened Hfe of our race.The most alarming situation intheisfeature,however, of the presentlamentable ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
195 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 242

Calvinism - pagina 242

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.238 thenot excepting those ofchurches themselves,ChristianWornReformation.byoutandflowerwither on their branches, and hadtoapparently become forgetful of their dutieshumanity ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
179 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 243

Calvinism - pagina 243

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE. whereRoman-Catholic country,infirst239 the night ofBartholomew and subsequently by the revocationSt.of the edict of Nantes, the Huguenots had been slaught-and banished.eredProtestantism thecende ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
176 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 244

Calvinism - pagina 244

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.240 ofwaslifeforward even more rapidly thenrushtoboundheretofore, but no longerwreckage andwhatWhatcommandments.the divineruinEnquire of the France of to-day? ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
184 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 245

Calvinism - pagina 245

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.whoreproach,24Idearly grieve at the moral ruin of theircountry, but then these are the very circles which have the false pretences of the Revolutionresistedand, on;the other hand, the almost bestiahzed circles ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
250 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 246

Calvinism - pagina 246

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURK.242•and infectedliterature,had beenattemptreachedof realizingyet retraining astatelyGod"regnantetimmorales, I'actepourenvogue.Onende ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
213 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 247

Calvinism - pagina 247

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE. toandsocialonthesubstratumidealFor a moment chanceGod frominglaw,evolvedfrom their own speculation.attemptnatureonthetheprocessesAnd, inde ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
160 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 248

Calvinism - pagina 248

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.244arrived at whatmoderncalladislife^involving a radicalbreach with the Christian traditions of the Europe of theThepast.marked by themodernof thisspiritfact that ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
194 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 249

Calvinism - pagina 249

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE. gleam of theTheideal.offire245higher enthusiasmallhas been quenched, only the dead embers remain. midsttheweariness ofof thewhat canlife,the disappointed from taking refuge ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
186 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 250

Calvinism - pagina 250

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.246 theweak has grownfrom Darwinismarisinglife,be the controlling feature oftoof a struggle for life has formaximthepolitics,BismarckSinceantithesis.whoseitself ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
151 woorden
van 28