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279 resultaten
van 28
Calvinism - pagina 261

Calvinism - pagina 261

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE. backreachingProtestantism,andStoatheto257 toEpicurus.Only along thelines ofProtestantism therefore, cana successful advance be attempted, and on those linesindeed salvationi ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
160 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 262

Calvinism - pagina 262

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.258 was, afterof theall,oldthat in strict allegiance to the Scriptureshe openly proclaimed His ownCovenant,Divinity and Mediatorship, the expiation of sins throughdogma, ofcomingblood, and His ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
137 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 263

Calvinism - pagina 263

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.259cism eradiates a fervour that warms the heart and woe ;betide the giant of dogrna and the hero of action,are strangers toGoddepth and tenderness.itswhocreatedhand, head, and heart, the hand for the d ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
190 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 264

Calvinism - pagina 264

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.260but the seed of the church, both at the birth of Chris-andtianityage of the Reformation has been thein theblood of martyrs; and our sainted martyrs shed theirblood not for mysticism and not for philanthropic proje ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
166 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 265

Calvinism - pagina 265

1CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE. Splendid structure, modernismand against succesfullythisnow26confronts Christianity;deadly danger, ye, Christians, cannotyour Sanctuary, but by placing,defendinand world-view of your owU ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
173 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 266

Calvinism - pagina 266

;CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.262Luther wasmisledrecognizing the Sovereign ofintothe land as the head of the etablished church, and whathave we as abeen called upon to witnessresult of thisfrom Germany's eccentric Emperor? S ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
174 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 267

Calvinism - pagina 267

CALVINISM AND THE FQTURE. principleas263the sole trustworthy foundation on whichto build.we to understand by this return to Calvinism? Do I mean that all believing Protestants should subscribe the sooner the better to the ReformedWhatthenare ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
189 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 268

Calvinism - pagina 268

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.264only take place atcriticalmomentsIn thein history.ordinary run of things eighty per cent of the Christian population die in the churchand baptized.inwhich they were bornBesides, such an identi ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
206 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 269

Calvinism - pagina 269

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.265of more than one of your constitutions, while taking adecidedly democratic view, nevertheless not the atheisticstandpoint of the French revolution, but the Calvinistic confession of the supreme sovereignty of God, has beenmadet ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
168 woorden
Calvinism - pagina 270

Calvinism - pagina 270

CALVINISM AND THE FUTURE.266you owe But,and behold, while you are thus enjoying theloand while evenof Calvinism,fruitsand to Calvinism alone.Calvinismtothisof youroutsideborders the constitutional sy ...

Abraham Kuyper Collection
Abraham Kuyper
186 woorden
van 28