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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit - pagina 157

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit - pagina 157

In de periode 1955 - 1980 verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderdjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 1980 in opdracht van het College van Dekanen

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

2 mei 3 mei

9 mei

24 mei

6 juni 7 juni

13 juni 21 juni

28 juni

5 sept.

3 okt.

10 okt.

11 okt.

Klootwijk, J. Methylation of yeast ribosomal RNA. Mijdrecht, Elci, 1974. Groot, D. G. de. On R F size effect measurements and the fermi surface in indium. 1974. Meijerink, A. M. J. Photo hydrological reconnaissance surveys. Meppel. Krips, 1974. Hoeve, J. Soda metasomatism and radio-active mineralization in the Vastervik Area, Southern Sweden. Amsterdam, Papyrus, 1974. Bulthuis, J. N M R in liquidcrystalline solvents. Complications in determining molecular geometries. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1974. Burg, A. van der. The occurence of Sporobolomyces roseus, a red yeast, on leaves of Phragmites Australis. Amsterdam, Academische Pers, 1974. Gooijer, C. The interaction between alkali cations and azaaromatic radical anions. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1974. Waringa, C. G. I,I-Diaryl-3p-Aminopropenes and some related compounds. Synthesis and Biological activities. Marburg, Görich & Weiershauser, 1974. Hartingsveldt, J. van. Nitrate reduction in pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Amsterdam, Academische Pers, 1974. Hollander, W. den. Carbon-14 decay in aromatic and hydromatic molecules. A retention study. Part I. Rotterdam, Bronder Offset, 1974. Jagt, P. J. van der. Carbon-14 decay in aromatic and hydromatic molecules. A retention study. Part II. Rotterdam, Bronder Offset, 1974. Roodhergen, S. Lifetimes of excited states of nuclei in the Ni-Zn region measured with the delayed coincidence method. Amsterdam, Academische Pers, 1974. Vos, H. Double-layer capacitance and interfacial tension. A study at the interface Mercury/Aqueous Postassium Chloride Solution. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1974. Pothoff, G. F. Kobalt (III)-Ammines in vloeibare ammoniak. Het mechanisme via de geconjugeerde base. Meppel, Krips, 1974. Vries, J. J. de. Groundwater flow systems and stream nets in the Netherlands. A groundwater hydrological approach to the functional relationship between the drainage system and the geological and elimatical conditions in a Quarternary accumulation area. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1974. Bijleveld, M. F. I.J. Birds of prey in Europe. London, MacMillan, 1974. 155

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1980

Gegevensboeken | 218 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit - pagina 157

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1980

Gegevensboeken | 218 Pagina's