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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit - pagina 164

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit - pagina 164

In de periode 1955 - 1980 verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderdjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 1980 in opdracht van het College van Dekanen

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

12 mei Teer, F. Formula manipulation and pascal. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 26 mei Jong, G. J. de. Liquid-liquid extraction and reversed phase chromatography of metal ions in thiocyanate systems. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1978. 1 juni Schipper, W. J. A. A n ecological comparison of european harriers (Circus). 1978. 7 juni Ernsting, G. Predation on springtails. 1978. 22 juni Jonge, P. de. Processing sites of yeast ribosoma precursor RNA. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 23 juni Gerner, C. P. Orbital electron capture measurements with an internal-source spectrometer. Meppel, Krips, 1978. Pelt, J. van. Electron-capture ratios in radioactive decay. Measured by means of an internel-source method. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 30 aug. Idzenga, S. Directional correlation studies of some nuclei around closed proton shells. Amsterdam, Van Roesel, 1978. 31 aug. Rozema,J. On the ecology of some halophytes from beach plain in the Netherlands. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 1 sept. Straten, J. W. van. Studies related tot bridged valence of benzene and cylophanes. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 8 sept. Verhoef, H. A. A n ecological study on water relations in collembola. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 21 sept. Out, D.J. P. Viscosity of aqueous electrolyte solutions from 5 to 95° C. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 22 sept. Kieviet, W. de. The conjugate-base mechanism in liquid ammonia. Outher-sphere complex formation, acid dissociation and stereochemistry of some selected compounds. Delft, Meinema, 1978. 28 sept. Simonian, S. Studies on GP-350. A low-molecular weight glycoprotein fraction, futher characterization of its molecular nature and occurence in bovine tissues. 1978. 29 sept. Embden, J. D. A. van. Genetic and molecular studies on plasmids from salmonella. Utrecht, Elinkwijk, 1978. Haeringen, H. van. The coulomb. Potential in quantum mechanics and related topics. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 13 okt. Lever, A. J. De tentakelreflex van Lymnaea stagnalis. Een modelsysteem voor de bestudering van de interacties tussen het centraal en het perifeer zenuwstelsel van de poelslak. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 19 okt. Poelgeest,A. van. High-spin states in In an Sn nuclei studies with in-beam techniques. Meppel, Krips, 1978. 9 nov. Lafleur, M. V. M. Radiation damage in D N A : Significance of alkali-labile sites. 1978. 162

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1980

Gegevensboeken | 218 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit - pagina 164

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1980

Gegevensboeken | 218 Pagina's