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1907-1908 Orgaan van de Christelijke Vereeniging van Natuur- en Geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 23

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

11 en in de tweede plaats tegenover de z.g.n. logische classificate van Dr. Barry. Volgens de evolutionisten uit die dagen zou dus het dierenrijk zich ontwikkeld hebben overeenkomstig de gradaties van structuur. Dit nu is, zegt Agassiz, onjuist. Bij zijne onderzoekingen van de fossiele visschen was hem gebleken dat de onderste aardlagen alle vier typen gelijktijdig voorkomen, de articulata de moUusca, de radiata in hunne onderscheidene klassen. Dat er opklimming is bij de vertebrata stemt hij toe. Na de visschen doen de reptilien hun intrede en eerst later de vogels en zoogdieren. Doch voor de meeniiig dat de polypen bestonden vóór de moUusca en deze weer vóór de articulata en dat eerst daarna de vertebrata de aarde bewoonden, is geen bewijs te leveren, integendeel ze is in strijd met de positieve resultaten van het onderzoek en daarom verwerpt hij ze. „However, another step had to be made to show a real agreement between the earlier types of animals and the gradual development of the animal kingdom, which has been the last progress in our science of fossils: namely, to show that these eaiiies types are embryonic in their character — that is to say, that they are not only lower in their structure when compared with the animals now living upon the surface of our globe, but that they actually correspond to the changes which embryos of the same classes undergo during their growth. This was first discovered among fishes, wich I have shown to present, in their earlier types, characters which agree in many respects which the changes wich young fishes undergo within the egg. Without entering into all the details of these researches, I will concluo by saying, it can now be generally maintained that earlier animals correspond not only to lower types of their respective classes, but that their chief pecularities have reference to the modifications which are successively introduced during the embryonic life of their corresponding representatives in the present creation. To carry out these results in detail must now be, for years to come, the task of paleontological investigations. But the other connections mentioned above, I consider as established, and I claim these views as the results of my own investigation, though much has already been said upon the natural and successive

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1908

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 202 Pagina's

1907-1908 Orgaan van de Christelijke Vereeniging van Natuur- en Geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 23

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1908

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 202 Pagina's