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Calvinism - pagina 26

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Calvinism - pagina 26

the origin and safeguard of our constitutional liberties

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Calvinism and



well as Reformed heroes have defended the people's rights and liberties against the Alvas and the Vargas. At Calvin's appearance the Christian church also was already fifteen hundred years old, and that through her spiritual offspring she took no part with tyrants, had been shown conclusively to the Corinthians

by the hero of Tarsus,

to the


Theodosius by Ambrose in Milan, by Wycklif in chains, Huss at the stake, and Luther at the Diet of Worms. Add to this the influence of the Renaissance,

whereby speech was

restored to the heroes of Marathon, and the glory of Greece

and ancient

Rome was

once more made apparent, and these

three elements, the Germanic, the Christian, and the Renaissance, are the factors which foretold

the people, before Geneva's

name was


liberties for

yet heard.

But these

elements repelled each other, instead of lending mutual supIn the strife of the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, the


church combatted with the German


the ridicule of the

Humanists fought Obscurantism, presently all Christendom was in arms against the Renaissance, and in these struggles it was both times the scene of Solomon's court repeated; both parties claimed to be mother of the child of liberty, and, less pitiful than before Solomon's tribunal, they cut the living child in two. Hence absolutism prevailed. And to overthrow it the spirited enthusiasm of the Germans must needs be curbed, the church purified, the Renaissance sancti-

And this fied, and the three rubies strung into one chain. was done by Calvin. In the fires of his genius were forged the vigor of Germanism, the liberty of the Christian spirit, and the virtue of the classics into that precious metal, from which Holland also cast its goddess of liberty surmounting the Holy Scriptures, and the liberty cap with this inscription






strive, this

we guard."

from his hands most of Europe's nations have

not desired to accept the fresh waters of liberty.



ormation was execrated, and Italy declined, and Spain


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1895

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 34 Pagina's

Calvinism - pagina 26

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1895

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 34 Pagina's