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Calvinism - pagina 23

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Calvinism - pagina 23

the origin and safeguard of our constitutional liberties

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten


Constitutional Liberties.


by the hard-handed seller and ploughman, bidding him to Let rise and fight with himself, with monarchs, with devils. He, the soldiers of Alva and Philip yield to their threats. the Calvinist, dared not. He must defy them. For they were fighting against the Lord, who had called them out of death to life." In this lay the secret of that wonderful power called into life by this confession. He who believes in election knows himself chosen for some end, to attain which is his




calling for the sake of which, since


most precious thing, if need be, must be sacin which success is certain, since God, who is sovereign, called him unto it. And therefore he argues not, nor does he hesitate, but puts the hand to the plough and labors on. And consider also this: A church which confesses election as its "Cor ecclesiae" cannot be clerical, but must seek its strength in the lay members. Hence from this confession was deduced the democratic church-principle, which was soon transferred from the church to the political platform, and there called into life the liberties of Holland, the liberties of England's Whigs, and the liberties of America no less. Election creates a brave spirit in the people and undermines every principle of religious persecution. As Mrs. Hutchinson wrote, as early as 1660, is

divine, life's


but a calling also,

prove of conversions violently forced by

God does not aphuman laws. Our

combats and our arms must therefore be


" It demonstrates this grand truth that

Calvin's profound conception of sin

come of


likewise the out-

the recognition of the sovereignty of God.


mentioned above, he was republican because he knows that even kings are sinners, who yield to temptation perhaps more readily than their subjects, inasmuch as their temptations

But he knows equally well that the self-same moves the masses, and that, hence, resistance, insurrec-

are greater. sin

and mutinies will not end, unless a righteous constitution bridles the abuse of authority, marks off its boundaries, tion,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1895

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 34 Pagina's

Calvinism - pagina 23

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1895

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 34 Pagina's