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1942 Extra aflevering Orgaan van de Christelijke Vereeniging van Natuur- en Geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 6

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1942 Extra aflevering Orgaan van de Christelijke Vereeniging van Natuur- en Geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 6

Robert Boyle: Een studie over natuurwetenschap en Christendom door dr. R. Hooykaas

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Alle citaten zijn naar The W o r k s of the Honoui able Robert Boyle, in V volumes, ed Thomas Birch Lordon, 1744 De meest geciteeide werken met de afkortingen -waaionder zij worden aangehaald 1), zijn I. Exp. S. W . — New Experiments Physico-Mechanical touching the Spring and Weight of the Air and its effects 1660 (vol I) Conf. 1 — A Continuation of New Experiments etc 1667 (vol III; Cont. 2 — A Continuation of New Experiments etc The second Part 1681 (vol IV) Lin. — A Defence of the Doctrine touching the spring and weight of the air against the objections of Franciscus Linus 1662 (I) Hobb. — An Examen of Mr T Hobbes his Dialogus Physicus de Natura Aeris etc Seraph. — Seraphick Love (Some motives and incentives to the love of God) (Geschreven m 1648) 1660 Ph Ess. — Certain Physiological Essays (o w Some specimens of an attempt to make chymical experiments u-^eful to illustrate the notions of the Coipuscular Philosophy) 1661 The History of Fluidity and Firmness Sc. Chym. ^ The Sceptical Chymist 1661 Experiments etc about the producibleness of chymical principles (I) Exp. N. Ph. — Some Considerations touching the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Philosopny 1663 (I) Second Part 1671 (III) IL Experimental History of Colours (II) 1663 Script. — Some Considerations touching the Style of the Holy Scripture 1663 Occasional Reflections upon Several Subjects 1664 New Experiments and observations touching Cold or an expeiimental History of Cold 1665 Hydr. Par. — Hydrostatical Paradoxes made out by new experiments, for the most part physical and easy 1666 Orig. — The Origin of Forms and Qualities according to the Corpuscular Philo sophy 1666 III. Math. — Of the usefulness of Mathematicks to natural philosophy or that the Empire of Man may be promoted by the naturalist s skill in mathematicks (as well pure as mixed) (III) Of the strange subtility of effluviums Fire — New Experiments to make Fire and Flame stable and ponderable Exc. — The Excellency of Theology compared with Natural Philosophy 1673 Mcch. — About the excellency and grounds of the mechanical hypothesis Resurr. ^ Some physico theological considerations about the possibility of Resurrection IV. The Aerial Noctiluca or, some new phenomena and a process of a factitious self-shining substance 1680 Disc. — A Discourse of Things above Reason 1681 Ven. — Of the High Veneration Man s Intellect owes to God peculiarly for his Wisdom and Power 1685 Nat. — A free inquiry into the vulgarly received Notion of Nature 1682 (geschreven in 1666) Fin. — A Disquisition about the Final Causes of Natural Things 1688 V Medicina hydrostatica 1690 (V) Virt. The Christian Virtuoso shewing that by being addicted to philosophy a man is lathei assisted than indisposed to be a good christian 1690 (V) Experimenta ct obsci vationes physicae 1690 The General Mistoi^ of the .'Vii (begonnen 169.' posthuuiii iiit(ii-qpven) (V) Correspondentie en I^evensgeschiedenis (V) ^) Door een misverstand zijn in het eerste gedeelte van deze verhandehng de verwijzingen in den tekst geplaatst .

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1942

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 136 Pagina's

1942 Extra aflevering Orgaan van de Christelijke Vereeniging van Natuur- en Geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 6

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1942

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 136 Pagina's